Presented by Denise Grobbelaar and Julie Manegold
Individuation is a journey towards wholeness and living a meaningful personal myth according to an authentic inner vision: What does it mean to become “whole” and how do I mature into the best possible version of myself. We explore the idea of living consciously, staying in constant dialogue with and taking guidance from the deeper self, source of inner wisdom.
Seminar Dates
- July 7 – Introduction and Exploration of Jung’s Notion of “Individuation”
- July 14 & July 21 – The Hero/Heroine’s Journey
- July 28 – Jung’s Individuation Journey
- August 4 – Film Discussion
Seminar Content
July 7 – Introduction and Exploration of Jung’s Notion of “Individuation”
We will unpack some of the assumptions and misconceptions about individuation: including conscious individuation, finding one’s own path, respecting one’s inner life and psyche as an objective reality, and distinguish the first and second halves of life
July 14 & July 21 – The Hero/Heroine’s Journey
These two seminars are an in-depth exploration of the monomyth of the Hero’s Journey as an archetypal map of the individuation process, as initially described by Joseph Campbell and elaborated upon by feminine voices with regards to the Heroine’s Journey. Through the symbolism of humanity’s mythic stories, for instance the myth of Inanna’s descent to the underworld, we will find analogies for our own individual paths in the depicted dramas being played out between ego, persona, shadow, and anima/animus in the search for the archetype of the Self.
July 28 – Jung’s Individuation Journey
We will explore Jung’s own inner struggle and individuation process as depicted in The Red Book and The Black Books (including Gnosis, Visionary experiences, Active Imagination).
August 4 – Film Discussion
The group will watch the film Appointment With The Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis – A Film by David Blum, and discuss the symbols, archetypes, and imagery of transformation in the film.
Module Reading/Viewing List
Required Reading/Viewing:
The readings and watching of films should be completed before each seminar:
Seminar 1: Schmidt, M. (2011). Individuation and the Self. Society for Analytical Psychology,
Seminar 2: Denise Grobbelaar. Webinar: The Hero’s Journey: A Transformation of Consciousness. A Summary of Joseph Campbell’s monomyth of the hero/heroine’s search for the innermost Self, or what Jung called the Archetype of the Self (the God image within), as mapped in the three phases of the Hero’s journey: Departure, Initiation, and Return.
Seminar 3: David Hartman & Diane Zimberoff (2009) The Hero’s Journey of Self-transformation: Models of Higher Development from Mythology. Journal of Heart-Centred Therapies, 2009, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 3-93. Downloaded from (92 pages)
Seminar 4: Owens, L.S. (2011). Jung and Aion: Time, Vision, and a Wayfaring Man, Psychological Perspectives, 54: 253-269. C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles.
Seminar 5: The film Appointment With The Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis – A Film by David Blum:
Recommended Further Reading (not required):
- Campbell, J. (2012).The hero with a thousand faces(3rd ed.). New World Library.
- Brinton Perera, S. (1981).Descent to the Goddess: A way of Initiation for Women. (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts; 6). Inner City Books, Toronto, Canada.
- Hollis, J. (1993).The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife. (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts; 59), Inner City Books, Toronto, Canada.
- Jung, C.G. (1953/66). “The Function of the Unconscious” in Two Essays in Psychology, CW.7. Part Two, Individuation. Bollingen Foundation, University of Princeton Press, Princeton, NJ.
- Stein, M. (1998). The Emergence of the Self (Individuation), Jung’s Map of the Soul, Ch. 8, Open Court Books, Chicago, ILL
- Jung, C.G. (1961/83). “The Work”, in Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Ch.7. Flamingo, Harper-Collins Publishers, London.
Module Presenters
Julie Manegold is a clinical psychologist, art psychotherapist and Jungian analyst working in private practice in Hilton in KwaZulu Natal. She has a longstanding interest in the mystical traditions of various religions, with a specific interest in Gnosis, Sufism and Christian Mysticism. Her areas of clinical interest include the challenges of midlife, dream analysis and working with images.
Denise Grobbelaar is a Jungian Analyst and Clinical psychologist working in private practice in Cape Town. Denise has a long-standing interest in dream work, shadow work, shamanism, mythology and the nature of consciousness. Her paper “The White Lion as Symbol of the Archetype of the Self and the Cannibalization of the Self in Canned Hunting” was published in the 2020 Spring Issue of the Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche.