Jung & Kundalini Yoga
Jung & Kundalini Yoga
Presenter: Dr. Melane van Zyl
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that originated around 1000BC in India. In this presentation, we will explore some of the myths and symbols of Hindu philosophy, including the chakra system and tantra. We will investigate how the snake acts as a symbol of awareness and how Kundalini Yoga can transform.
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that originated around 1000BC in India. It has become popular in the West, with stars like Russel Brand, Seal, Kerri Ann Moss, and even Oprah expressing their interest in this unique form of yoga.
C.G. Jung visited India in 1938 when the British Government of India invited him to partake in the celebrations of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the University of Calcutta. Although Jung did not visit India out of his initiative, he writes, “By that time I had read a great deal about Indian philosophy and religious history and was deeply convinced of the value of Oriental wisdom. The journey formed an intermezzo in the intensive study of alchemical philosophy on which I was engaged in the time.”
Jung found in Kundalini Yoga an account of the phases of development of higher consciousness. He wrote notes on a seminar given in 1932 recorded in his book The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga.
We will explore some of the myths and symbols of Hindu philosophy, including the chakra system and tantra. We will investigate how the snake acts as a symbol of awareness and how Kundalini Yoga can transform.
There will be a demonstration of a typical Kundalini Class and the underlying symbolism of the practice.
Dr. Melane van Zyl has been a Psychiatrist in private practice since 2005 and obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Mindfulness Based Interventions (Stellenbosch University). She has a particular interest in mindfulness based group psychotherapy (including MBCT and DBT), and she chairs the SASOP Psychotherapy SIG (Special Interest Group)
Melane has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2007 and is a certified Kundalini, Hatha, and Yoga Nidra Teacher. She is a certified MBTI and Enneagram practitioner interested in transpersonal coaching.