Dreams – A Portal to the Deeper Meaning of Life

Dreams – A Portal to the Deeper Meaning of Life


Presenter: Denise Grobbelaar

Understanding the images of our dreams could increases our self-awareness and awareness of the world around us. Dream work offers a deep insight into internal conflicts, identify barriers to healing and growth, as well as possible solutions.


People often wonder whether their dreams have meaning and if so, what does the images or storylines symbolize? What is the possible meaning of people, animals and places that appear in our dreams? Or specific events that take place? Why are some dreams so horrific or bizarre?

Understanding the images of our dreams could increases our self-awareness and awareness of the world around us. In ancient civilizations, spiritual and shamanic traditions as well as visionary art, dreams were seen as a pathway to heightened consciousness, wisdom and an expanded sense of self.

Tapping into the wisdom of personal and collective symbol, myth, and metaphor connects us to the guidance and inspiration of the unconscious and the archetypal realm.  Dream work offers a deep insight into internal conflicts, identify barriers to healing and growth, as well as possible solutions.

Denise Grobbelaar is a Jungian Analyst and clinical psychologist working in private practice in Vredehoek, Cape Town. She is affiliated with the South African Association of Jungian Analysts (SAAJA) and the International Association of Jungian Analysts (IAAP). She has been in private practice since November 2011. Prior to starting private practice, she gained eight years’ experience working in the field of adult mental health. This includes having worked at state facilities such as Groote Schuur and Valkenberg hospitals as well as managing a center for people with chronic and disabling mental illnesses in Observatory, Cape Town, called Fountain House, a programme of Cape Mental Health Society.  

Denise has a long-standing interest in mythology, shamanism and dream work. Since early 2013 she has been a member of a fortnightly Dream Appreciation group initiated by Graham Saayman, honorary member of the Southern African Association of Jungian analysts (SAAJA).  She has recorded and tracking her own dreams for almost 30 years, continuously developing her own understanding of dreams. In May 2016 and March 2018 she attended Dream Appreciation retreats at the Global White Lion Protection Trust in the Timbivati under the guidance of Graham Saayman and from May 2021 she would be facilitating these retreats.