176 matching books found. Displaying 25 results per page. Showing page 1 of 8.
Author | Title | Publisher | Location | Subject |
RUSTIN, Margaret | Finding a way to the child: selected clinical papers 1983-2021 | Routledge, 2023. xvi, 254 p. | RUST | |
Nina Coltart | Slouching towards Bethlehem and further psychoanalytical explorations | Phoenix, 2021. xvi, 207 p. | COLT | |
REINER, Annie , ed. | Of things invisible to mortal sight: celebrating the work of James S Grotstein | Karnac, 2017. xxiv, 279 p. | REIN | |
Michael Eigen | Psychoanalytic mystic | Free Assn, 1998. 220 p. | EIGE | |
J Laplanche J-B Pontalis | Language of psycho-analysis | Hogarth, 1973. xiii, 510 p. | LAPL | |
Marilyn Charles | Learning from experience: a guidebook for clinicians | Routledge, 2004. xii, 128 p. | CHAR | |
Jenny Pearson , ed. | Analyst of the imagination: life and work of Charles Rycroft | PEAR | ||
LONG, Wahbie | Nation on the couch: Inside South Africa’s mind | Melinda Ferguson, 2021. 198 p. | LONG sa | |
Dimitris Anastasopoulos Effie Laylou-Lignos Margot Waddell | Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of the severely disturbed adolescent | Karnac, 1999. xxii, 189 p. | ANAS | |
D W Winnicott | Through pediatrics to psycho-analysis | Hogarth, 1978. l, 350 p. | WINN | |
Nina Coltart | Baby and the bathwater | Phoenix, 2021. xx, 174 p. | COLT | |
C G Jung | Analytical psychology: notes of the seminar given in 1925 by C G Jung | Princeton U.P., 1989. xx, 179 p. | JUNG ANAL | |
Michael Ody | Psychoanalyst and the child: from the consultation to psychoanalytic treatment | Routledge, 2019. xii, 233 p. | ODY | |
Gunilla Midboe | Elliptical dialogue: a communications model for psychotherapy | Chiron, 2017. viii, 194 p. | MIDB | |
Margaret Rustin Michael Rustin | Reading Klein | Routledge, 2017. vi, 200 p. | RUST | |
Brent Potter | Elements of reparation: truth, faith and transformation in the works of Heidegger, Bion, and beyond | Karnac, 2015. xv, 186 p. | POTT | |
Donald Meltzer | Psychoanalytical process | Karnac, 2018. Rev. ed. xiii, 119 p. | MELT | |
Sean Baumann | Madness: stories of uncertainty and hope | Jonathan Ball, 2020. 349 p. illus. | BAUM sa | |
M Lanyado Ann Horn , eds. | Handbook of child & adololescent psychotherapy. 2nd ed. | LANY | ||
Herbert Rosenfeld | Psychotic states: a psycho-analytical approach | Karnac, 1982. 263 p. | ROSE | |
Judy Gammelgaard | Betweenity: a discussion of the concept of borderline | Akademisk Forlag, 2010. xv, 261 p. | GAMM | |
VOLKAN, V & Gabriele AST AST, Gabriele | Siblings in the unconscious and psychopathology | Int. Universities Press, 1997. xiv, 184 p. | VOLK | |
Christopher Bollas | Infinite question | Routledge, 2009. 192 p. | BOLL | |
Caroline, Garland | Understanding trauma: a psychoanalytical approach | Karnac, 1998. xii, 229 p. | GARL | |
Elizabeth Zetzel | Capacity for emotional growth | ZETZ | ||