34 matching books found. Displaying 25 results per page. Showing page 1 of 2.
Author | Title | Publisher | Location | Subject |
CORBIN, HENRY | Alone with the alone: Creative imagination in the Sufism of Ibn ‘Arabi | Princeton UP, 1969. xx, 406 p. | CORB | |
C G Jung | Jung on Christianity. Selected by Murray Stein Copy 1 | Princeton U.P., 1999. | JUNG JUNG | |
C G Jung | Visions: notes of the seminar given in 1930-1934. Claire Douglas ed. v. 1. | Princeton U.P., 1997. illus. | R JUNG VISI | |
C G Jung | Selected letters, 1909-1961 … Gerhard Adler ed. | Princeton, 1953. 218 p. | JUNG | |
C G Jung | Mandala symbolism: from CW v. 9 Part 1 | Princeton U.P., 1972. illus. | JUNG MAND | |
C G Jung | Letters … v. 1 1906-1950 | Princeton U.P., 1973. | JUNG | |
C G Jung | Jung on mythology. Sel. By Robert Segal | Princeton U.P., 1998. | JUNG JUNG | |
C G Jung | Jung on evil. Sel. By Murray Stein. Copy 2 | Princeton U.P., 1995. | JUNG | |
C G Jung | Visions: notes of the seminar given in 1930-1934. Claire Douglas ed. v. 2. | Princeton U.P., 1997. illus. | NULL | |
C G Jung | Jung on death and immortality. Sel. By Jenny Yates Copy 1 | Princeton U.P., 1999. illus. | JUNG JUNG | |
C G Jung | Freud/Jung letters, the correspondence … | Princeton U.P., 1979. | JUNG LETT | |
JUNG, C G | Four archetypes: mother, rebirth, spirit, trickster | Princeton U.P., 1970. viii, 173 p. | JUNG FOUR | |
C G Jung | Dream analysis: notes of the seminar given in 1928-1930 | Princeton U.P., 1984. | JUNG DREA | |
C G Jung | C G Jung speaking: interviews and encounters. W McGuire & R F C Hull eds | Princeton U.P., 1977. | JUNG CGJU | |
M Esther Harding | Psychic energy: its source and its transformation. 2nd ed. Copy 2 | Princeton U.P., 1963. | HARD | |
Eranos | Mysteries: papers from the Eranos yearbooks… | Princeton U.P., 1995. | ERAN | |
Mircea Eliade | Myth of the eternal return, or, Cosmos and history. Copy 1 | Princeton U.P., 1971. | ELIA | |
Carl Gustav Jung | Archetypes and the collective unconscious. Copy 2 | Princeton U.P., 1968. | JUNG ARCH | |
Erich Newmann | Creative man: five essays | Princeton U.P., 1979. illus. | NEUM | |
C G Jung | Analytical psychology: notes of the seminar given in 1925 by C G Jung | Princeton U.P., 1989. xx, 179 p. | JUNG ANAL | |
Erich Neumann | Fear of the feminine and other essays on feminine psychology, The | Princeton U.P., 1994. | NEUM | |
C G Jung Erich Neumann | Analytical psychology in exile: the correspondence of C G Jung and Erich Neumann / ed. Martin Liebscher | Princeton U.P., 2015. | JUNG LETT | |
Heinrich Zimmer , | Philosophies of India. Ed. By Joseph Campbell | Princeton U.P., 1969. illus. | ZIMM | |
Anthony Stevens | Ariadne’s clue: a guide to the symbols of humankind | Princeton U.P., 1998. illus. | STEV | |
Paracelsus | Selected writings. Ed. Jolande Jacobi | Princeton U.P., 1979. illus. | PARA | |