18 matching books found. Displaying 25 results per page. Showing page of .
Author | Title | Publisher | Location | Subject |
Diana Pitcher | Mischief maker: African tales of Nogwaja the hare | David Philip, 1988. 64 p. illus. | FM PITC | |
University Atlas | University atlas. 13th ed. H Fullard ed. | Philip, 1969. 111 p. | R UNIV | |
Stephen T Bassett | Rock paintings of South Africa: revealing a legacy | David Philip, 2001. 144 p. illus. | G500 BASS | |
Monica Hunter | Reaction to conquest: effects of contact with Europeans on the Pondo of South Africa | David Philip, 1979. xvi, 439 p. | G500 HUNT sa | |
R Inskeep , | Peopling of Southern Africa | David Philip, 1978. 160 p. illus. | G500 INSK | |
J David Lewis-Williams | Stories that float from afar: ancestral folklore of the San of southern Africa | David Philip, 000.. xi, 285 p. illus. | FM LEWI sa | |
Martin Hall | Changing past: farmers, kings and traders in southern Afrida, 200-1860 | David Philip, 1987. vi, 161 p. | G500 HALL sa | |
Elinor Nash | Human behaviour | Philip, 1984. 377 p. | G100 NASH | |
WINBERG, Marlene Sullivan | My eland’s heart: A collection of stories and art | David Philip, 2001. 136 p. illus. | G500 WINB sa | |
J David Lewis-Williams , | Discovering Southern African rock art | Philip, 1990. 102 p. illus. | G500 LEWI sa | |
Philip Freund | Myths of creation | Peter Owen, 1964. 244 p. | FREU | |
Philip Clayton | Mind and emergence: from quantum to consciousness | CLAY | ||
Dain Peters Philip Rademeyer Gideon Lombard | Exile: homosexuality and “The View” | CD 111 | ||
Philip Wheelwright | Burning fountain: study in the language of symbolism | Indiana U.P., 1954. | WHEE | |
Philip Rieff | Freud, the mind of the moralist | Gollancz, 1960. 397 p. | RIEF | |
Philip Rawson | Sacred Tibet | Thames & Hudson, 1991. 96 p. illus. | G200 RAWS | |
Philip Martin | Zen path through depression | HarperCollins, 2000. 143 p. | MART | |
Philip Bromberg | Awakening the dreamer: clinical journeys | BROM | ||