36 matching books found. Displaying 25 results per page. Showing page 1 of 2.
Author | Title | Publisher | Location | Subject |
Daniel Stern | Forms of vitality: exploring dynamic experience in psychology, the arts, psychotherapy and development | O.U.P., 2010. | STER | |
Charles Spezzano | Affect in psychoanalysis: a clinical synthesis | SPEZ | ||
Daniel Goleman | Social intelligence: the new science of human relationships | GOLE | ||
Paul Russell | Trauma, repetition & affect regulation: the work of Paul Russell | RUSS | ||
Allan Schore | Affect regulation & the repair of the self | SCHO | ||
Allan Schore | Affect dysregulation & disorders of the self | SCHO | ||
Windy Dryden | Reason to change: REBT workbook | DRYD | ||
Richard Davidson Anne Harrington , eds. | Visions of compassion: Western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature | O.U.P., 2002. illus. | DAVI | |
Judith Teicholz | Trauma, repetition & affect regulation: the work of Paul Russell | TEIC | ||
Marcus West | Feeling, being & the sense of self | WEST | ||
Sam Keen | Inward bound: exploring the geography of your emotions | KEEN | ||
James Averill | Voyages of the heart: living an emotionally creative life | AVER | ||
Theo A Cope | Fear of Jung: the complex doctrine and emotional science | Karnac, 2006. ix, 285 p. | COPE | |
D Goleman Dalai Lama | Destructive emotions & how we can overcome them: a dialogue | GOLE | ||
Daniel Goleman | Emotional intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ? | Bloomsbury, 1996. 352 p. | GOLE | |
GREEN, Viviane , ed. | Emotional development in psychoanalysis, attachment theory and neuroscience: Creating connections | Brunner-Routledge, 2003. xi, 236 p. | GREE | |
Joseph Le Doux | Emotional brain: the mysterious underpinnings of emotional life | Simon & Schuster, 1998. 384 p. illus. | LEDO | |
Donna Orange | Emotional understanding: studies in psychoanalytic epistemology | ORAN | ||
John Perry | Emotions and object relations | C G Jung Inst., 20 p. | Pam PERR | |
Allan Schore | Affect regulation and the origin of the self: the neurobiology of emotional | SCHO | ||
L A Sroufe | Emotional development: the organisation of emotional life in the early years | Cambridge U.P., 1995. | SROU | |
Esther Sternberg | Balance within: the science connecting health & emotions | STER | ||
Charles T Stewart | Dire emotions and lethal behaviours: eclipse of the life instinct | Routledge, 2008. xv, 264 p. | STEW | |
Tara Bennett-Goleman | Emotional alchemy: how the mind can heal the heart | Harmony, 2001. x, 341 p. | BENN | |
Rafael Lopez-Pedraza | Dionysus in exile: on the repression of the body and emotions | Chiron, 2000. 104 p. | LOPE | |