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Lecture 2: Saturday 7 October at 11h00 (In-person or Online Attendance)
Zoom participants, please ensure you join the Zoom link at least 10 minutes prior to the lecture start time. The lectures will start promptly at their allotted times.
Abstract – On Meeting the Tiger: Three Psychoanalytic Mystics and Their Contributions
Bion stated: “Psychoanalysis itself is just a stripe on the coat of the tiger. Ultimately it may meet the Tiger – the Thing Itself – O”. Psychoanalysis has historically viewed mystical and meditative states of consciousness as regressive, defensive or frankly pathological. An emerging group has embraced and explored mystical experiences while retaining the profound value of psychoanalysis. The presentation will explore the contributions of Bion, Eigen and Grotstein and show how they have navigated the interface between the two realms. We will attempt to go beyond the familiar understanding of ego strength versus ego transcendence, and spiritual bypassing. In fact, profound meditative experience far from “bypassing” psychodynamic issues may in fact evoke primitive, pre-conceptual experience. This needs to be handled with nuance and sensitivity.
About the Presenter
Stephen Bloch is a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst in Cape Town, South Africa. He is a founding member of the Southern African Association of Jungian Analysts and has served on its Executive Committee, Assessment and Review, Ethics and Library Committees. Stephen has given training seminars on transference and countertransference, dream interpretation, Klein, Winnicott, Bion and Eigen, the psychoanalytic frame, music and psychoanalysis, embodiment, psychotherapy and the meditating patient. He has published papers and reviews and co- edited with Paul Ashton MUSIC AND PSYCHE (Spring Publications, 2010), and with Loray Daws, a festschrift for Michael Eigen entitled LIVING MOMENTS: PAPERS IN HONOUR OF MICHAEL EIGEN (Karnac, 2015)
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