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Jung & Film Online | Rewind

September 30, 2022 @ 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Virtual Event Virtual Event

You are warmly invited to attend our next film evening on Friday 30 September, Rewind (run time 1h26m). This is a documentary which vividly demonstrates the effect of intergenerational trauma, written and directed by Sasha Neulinger, a survivor of sexual abuse during his childhood. This remarkable documentary, made by Neulinger himself, has one riveted from beginning to end. It is put together from actual childhood video footage, in which clues to the abuse can be found in hidden corners, or affection between uncles and the boy has a sinister undertone. Thirty-year-old Neulinger is a remarkable young man, who, at the age of 7, stood up to his abuser when his sister also became a target. This took him on a grueling journey through many years of therapy and court cases, to finally getting the truth acknowledged. This documentary could offer real help to children who are struggling with sexual abuse, as well as to survivors of sexual abuse and their families. There are straightforward, honest interviews with all Neulinger’s family members, his psychiatrist and his lawyers, giving an insider view of the impact of sexual abuse on the victim, and the harrowing process for the victim, of prosecution of the perpetrators. A truly inspiring documentary, shining a light of hope on a very dark matter.

Trigger warning: We advise audience discretion, since the subject matter could be disturbing, triggering physical and mental reactions, including emotional distress in some sensitive viewers.

Online Participation Format

The movie is not readily available online. We have a purchased copy, which we will be sharing with you online on the evening.


The fee for the film evenings is R150. Booking closes at 14:00 and the Zoom link will be distributed at 14:30 on the day of the event.

We are in the process of resolving the ticket booking function issue. We ask that you please book your virtual seat by emailing saaja@mweb.co.za.

SAAJA | Standard Bank | Account No.: 072975059 | Bank Code: 025-009
Bank Reference = SURNAME + Rewind

Should you wish to pay by card, please request a PayFast invoice in your email.


Everyone is invited to visit our website, where you can access our library online. In addition, the library is open Tuesdays 10h00-14h00 and Thursdays 14h00-19h00. For more information on this, contact Debra at saajalibrary@outlook.com

We hope to see you on Zoom, and look forward to continuing our stimulating film discussions.


September 30, 2022
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Event Category:
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+27 (0)21 689 6090
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