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Creativity and the Inner Other | Online Workshop Series by Wilna van der Walt

March 6, 2021 @ 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Symbolical creative work can be an indispensable tool to anyone who takes the inner journey seriously.
The foundational principle in this approach is the creative space, a physical as well as psychological space. How we approach this space determines what we get back. It shares many characteristics with the therapeutic space and the frame, familiar to psychotherapists, but you need not be familiar with (Jungian) psychology to be able to participate in the workshop. Old stories are used to explore essential characteristics of the creative process; they are living psychological patterns that have been in existence for a long time.
We give shape to content from the unconscious. By doing so, we are influenced by it and may be relieved of distressful symptoms. The more difficult task is to bring the content into our lives. To this end we build an ongoing relationship with the creative space. By relating to the container/space, the content of the space may influence us over time and become internalized.
We dream all the time. In the creative space we have a window on this ongoing kaleidoscopic unfolding of our inner lives. Every new manifestation of content in the creative space is a station in this process. By tracing the weaving threads over time, it may gradually become understandable as individual meaningful narrative, ‘the stories of one’s life.’

“The image represents the meaning of the instinct… I have succeeded… in finding an indirect way of approach to the instinctual image… I therefore took up a dream-image… as a point of departure, setting [the patient] the task of developing his theme… This could be done in a number of ways, dramatic, dialectic, visual, acoustic, or dancing, painting, drawing, modelling… I was able to recognize that… I was witnessing the spontaneous manifestation of an unconscious process, merely assisted by… the patient… a dark impulse is the ultimate arbiter of the pattern, an unconscious a priori precipitates itself into plastic form… Over the whole procedure there seems to be a dim foreknowledge not only of the pattern, but also of its meaning…” CG Jung, On the Nature of the Psyche Par 398 – 402

Format of the Workshop

Dates: March 6, 13, 27
In this short course I combine practical and theoretical work in 3 online modules. It is presented on 3 Saturday mornings from 9 am – 1 pm. This course is open to everyone, and no previous creative experience is required. In the practical work, simple creative guidance will be given. Preparing the workspace beforehand is important and to this end participants will receive instructions. Pre-reading in preparation of our theoretical work will be required. All discussion material will be emailed. The benefit of working online is that one has the luxury of complete privacy while working with others in a contained held space.

Programme details available HERE.

Booking Information | All welcome. Advanced bookings only.

Cost: R1600
All queries/bookings: Please contact Wilna at asdopas@gmail.com

Click HERE to book online.

Banking details
Standard Bank | Account name: PW van der Walt | Acc nr 043120008 | Branch 051001
Beneficiary reference: SURNAME
Please email POP to asdopas@gmail.com
No cash or cheques deposits please. No refund policy if cancelled within 3 days of workshop.

More About the Facilitator

Wilna van der Walt is a registered medical doctor; she practices in the field of psychotherapy in Muizenberg and has a special interest in creative work. On her personal journey, she encountered the creative process in the 1990’s as a living organic process. Jungian psychology confirmed her experience of the potentially transformative power of the creative process and continues to inform her current work. Her creative experimentation of 25 years was published in book-form in 2016.


March 6, 2021
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Category:


Wilna van der Walt
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