Social Media Policy

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The Southern African Association of Jungian analysts (SAAJA) is an international organisation committed to promoting an understanding and application of analytical psychology. SAAJA is exploring the use of social media to share the expertise of SAAJA’s membership with each other, other professionals in the field, and the public. This policy aims to provide guidelines for SAAJA members and employees on the use of social media, such as online publishing on our website, and posts on our Facebook and Instagram pages. (Social media includes personal blogs and other websites, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube or others. These guidelines apply whether members and employees are posting to their own sites or commenting on other sites) The aim of the social media policy is to assist membership in their use of social media and to avoid pitfalls. This policy needs to be updated at least every two years, and membership’s input is invited.

Authorisation to speak on behalf of the organisation

The Media Committee is responsible for SAAJA’s social media accounts. (See SAAJA Constitution for description and role) Only those officially designated by SAAJA have the authorisation to speak on behalf of the Organisation. If you publish content online relevant to SAAJA in your personal capacity, it is best to use a disclaimer and make it clear that what you say there is representative of personal views and opinions and not necessarily the official views and opinions of SAAJA. If you have any questions about what is appropriate to include in your social media profile(s), consult with the Chair of the Media Committee.

Guidelines for online conduct

The same principles and guidelines that apply to SAAJA’s activities in general, as described in the SAAJA Constitution and Code of Ethics, apply to SAAJA activities online. SAAJA’s core identity and goal, namely, promoting an understanding and application of analytical psychology, is best represented by its members. Everything published online needs to reflect this. Social networks that are hosted on SAAJA-owned domains should be used in a way that adds value to The Organisation in alignment with the stated goals. It is best to stay within your sphere of expertise, and whenever you are presenting something as fact, ensure that it is factually correct, preferably with a reference.

Protecting confidential and proprietary information

Social computing blurs many of the traditional boundaries between internal and external communications. Be thoughtful about what you publish, particularly on external platforms. You must make sure you do not disclose or use SAAJA’s confidential or proprietary information in any online social computing platform. Do not misuse SAAJA’s logo for private postings. Only use SAAJA’s logo if you have the authority from the Media Committee to do so. Also, do not post information about a person or another society unless you have the right to do so, taking into consideration intellectual property and privacy concerns. For example, ask permission before posting someone’s picture on a social network.

Be the first to respond to your own mistakes

Social media concerns require immediate intervention. If you make an error, be upfront about your mistake and correct it quickly, as this can help to restore trust. If you choose to modify content that was previously posted, make it clear that you have done so. If an issue arises that requires intervention, contact the chair of the Media Committee immediately.

How SAAJA members should conduct themselves on their personal social media accounts

The Media Committee also provides guidance for membership’s behaviour on their personal social media accounts. The following article is useful in this regard: “Social Networking Ethics: Developing Best Practices for the New Small World,” by Daniel G. Lannin and Norman A. Scott, PhD.

Posting hate speech, threats of violence, harassment, or racial or any other derogatory epithets on social media may violate the law, or SAAJA’s code of ethics, or both. Regardless, membership should know that they will be held responsible for what they say.


Developing a culture of accountability over social media is essential. Members are advised to include a disclaimer in their biography section for their personal accounts. This would be something along the lines of: “Personal views expressed here do not reflect those of my organisation”.

When discussing topics relevant to SAAJA’s online posts, it is suggested that you use your real name, be clear who you are, and identify your affiliation with SAAJA, should this at all be appropriate and relevant. If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, it may be necessary to point it out. It is also important to be conscious about protecting yourself and your privacy. What you publish online will be around for a long time; therefore, you should consider the content carefully and be judicious in disclosing personal details.

Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social networks

The lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred in online social networks. By virtue of identifying yourself as a SAAJA member within a social network, you are now connected to your fellow members, colleagues, clients and the general public. You should ensure that content associated with you is consistent with the principles stated in the Constitution and Code of Ethics of SAAJA.

Respect copyright and fair use laws

Copyright infringement happens all the time online. It can be extremely costly. People share and modify content freely without first consulting copyright licenses, sometimes without even providing correct attribution. Websites like Pexels are a fantastic resource for fair use photo content, and there are plenty more resources like it.

For SAAJA’s protection as well as your own, it is critical that you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned by others, as they may have legal implications. You should never quote more than short excerpts of someone else’s copyrighted work and in accordance with accepted academic practice, be sure to duly acknowledge all sources. It is also important to take care to understand a site’s terms of service.

Respect your audience

Do not be hesitant to express yourself but do so respectfully. Do not be discriminatory or prejudiced in your engagements. Refrain from personal insults and obscenities as well as other inappropriate or unprofessional conduct. You should also show proper consideration for others’ privacy. SAAJA trusts and expects its members to exercise personal responsibility whenever they participate in social media. This includes not violating the trust of those with whom they are engaging.