SAAJA Constitution

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Words and phrases defined in the Constitution will bear the same meanings herein;
1.1 “Association” means the Southern African Association of Jungian Analysts;
1.2 “Constitution” means the Constitution of the Association; and
1.3 “Members” mean the members of the Association.


By this constitution is established the Southern African Association of Jungian Analysts (hereinafter the SAAJA or the association” which shall be a non-profit organization with the purpose of selecting and training individuals to become practitioners in analytical psychology accredited by the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP).


The aims and objectives of the SAAJA shall be:

1. The promotion of an understanding and application of analytical psychology.

2. The fostering of a responsible relationship between the association, other organizations and the larger society within Southern Africa.

3. Adherence to the policies:

a) That Jungian thought and intensive study in this approach be open to all individuals, subject to selection criteria determined by the governing body of the association.

b) That personal analysis be the core of the training programme, with emphasis on the freedom of individuals to develop their own particular styles of work.

4. Facilitation of collegiality, the furnishing of opportunities for continuing education and research, and the maintenance of professional standards and ethical conduct of its members.


1. The Association shall be a legal entity, existing in its own right separately from its members, able to acquire legal rights, able to own property and other possessions, to be subject to legal duties, and to be able to institute or defend legal proceedings.

2. The association shall be free to conduct and promote all endeavours consonant with the purpose of its establishment and its aims and objectives as set out above.

3. The Association will continue to exist despite a change in membership and office bearers.


The SAAJA shall have standing committees as described below (see sections 1-6) and such other committees as shall be necessary for the operation of the association shall be established from time to time.

All committees shall be elected annually at the professional meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Seconded nominations must reach SAAJA’s administrative officer in writing at least two weeks prior to the AGM.

1. Terms of office in the A & R, Curriculum and Ethics Committees, as well as office bearers in Exco shall not extend beyond 5 consecutive years. However, members can rotate between offices in Exco for more than 5 years. Longer participation is acceptable on the Library and Public Programme Committees.
2. The name of the Training Committee to be changed to the Curriculum Committee and to have at least 3 members.
3. No spouse, partner or immediate family member of a candidate in training is permitted to hold office on SAAJA’s EXCO or on the Assessment and Review, Curriculum and Ethics Committees”.
EXCO or on the Assessment and Review, Curriculum and Ethics Committees.
4. The election of a new member(s) to a committee maybe required during the year, when due to resignation or incapacity of an existing member(s), the committee can no longer function in terms of the number of members required by the constitution, or because in the opinion of the committee and professional body, the committee requires additional members because of an increased workload. This should be done at the next professional body meeting at which a quorum is present. For the same reasons, prior to a professional body meeting, members may be temporarily co-opted onto a committee. Both the need for co-option and the choice of the co-opted member will be decided by all the members of the committee including any members who might be resigning from the committee, in consultation with the president of the association. These co-opted members only serve on the committee until the next professional meeting at which a quorum is present, when an election of member(s) to the affected committee will take place if deemed necessary by the committee and professional body.

A member may take a brief leave of absence from a committee. In this case the member will be kept informed of the functioning of the committee, although not actively participating and will be involved in any decisions regarding co-opting members to the committee.

Section 1 – Executive Committee.

The Association shall be governed by its members through its elected officers, who shall include President, Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer and one other member.

1. Duties of the Officers

a) The president shall administer matters pertaining to the entire Association, preside at meetings, be an ex-officio member of all committees, and serve as liaison with other groups.

b) The vice-president shall work closely with the president, preside over meetings and carry out other duties of the president in his/her absence, or by delegation.

c) The secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the general membership, open and count absentee ballots, file any periodic reports, conduct the general correspondence of the Association and send out notices of meetings of the Executive Committee, and of required notices to all members.

d) The treasurer shall oversee the financial transactions of the Association including the collection of dues and fees.

2. Succession

In case of the president’s absence or inability to function, succession shall be in the order of vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.

3. Meetings

a) The Executive Committee shall meet at such times and places as they themselves determine, or, in the absence of such determination, as may be designated by the president.

b) Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote unless otherwise stated. Any officer unable to attend an Executive Committee meeting may authorize another member to act as his/her proxy. In case of a tied vote, the president may break the tie by casting a second vote.

Section 2 – Curriculum Committee

1. Membership: The Curriculum Committee shall consist of at least 3 members.

2. Function: The Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for-:

(a) The Training Programme for the candidates.
(b) Providing teaching in the form of consultations, workshops, seminars and supervision for other interested psychotherapists –

Section 3 – Candidates Assessment and Review Committee

1. Membership: The Candidates Assessment and Review Committee shall consist of at least three members and may include analysts from outside the Association as the need arises.

2. Function:
(a) To assess and select applicants for admission to the Training Programme.
(b) To review the progress of candidates in training, and subsequent readiness to apply for SAAJA membership.

Section 4 – Public Programme Committee

1) Membership: The Public Programme Committee shall consist of three members and two subscribers to the public programme. Other persons may be co-opted onto this Committee but will not have voting rights.

2) Function: To provide an ongoing programme of informal teaching to the general public, for example lectures, films, seminars and discussions.

Section 5 – Ethics and Professional Practices Committee

1. Membership: The Ethics Committee shall consist of at least three members. In electing this Committee gender balance shall be maintained as far as possible.

2. Function:

(a) To investigate ethical or professional complaints and any charges brought against a member of the Jungian community, and to establish if there has been a breach of the Code of Ethics. (see Appendix 1)

(b) To provide a hearing for the person against whom a complaint has been made, and to recommend what action be taken in terms of the procedures and actions detailed in Ethics and Grievance Committee Procedures (see Appendix 2)

(c) To be available to hear, advise and if necessary mediate difficulties a SAAJA member or members may encounter with regards to patients, supervisees, colleagues or matters pertaining to the organization.

Section 6 – Library Committee

1. Membership: The Library Committee shall consist of at least three members. Other persons may be co-opted onto this Committee but will not have voting rights.

2. Function: To provide and administer Library facilities.

Section 7 – Media Committee

1. Membership: The Media Committee shall consist of ex-officio members and is therefore not
an elected committee. The Vice President of SAAJA shall be the chair of the committee and may
co-opt members to assist with editorial advice, and the rest of the committee will be constituted
by: the marketing manager, the social media team, representatives of public programme
committee, the curriculum committee, the certificate course and library committee.
2. Function
a) To evaluate the Jungian or psychological content being distributed via the website, social
media and other publications to the public and other mental health professionals
b) To maintain and update all aspects of the website
c) To run the social media posts
(d) To maintain and update SAAJA’s social media policy
(e) To assist other committees in SAAJA with the media component of the publication of events
(f) To provide membership meetings of SAAJA with advice and proposals with regard to the
website, social media campaigns and publication of the activities of the Association.

(g) To administer the designated budget for media activities of the Association.

Section 8 – Finance Committee

1. Membership: The Finance Committee shall consist of at least three members. The Chair of the Committee shall be the Treasurer.

2. Function: To assist the Executive Committee and the Treasurer in the management of all finances
as described in paragraph D (Section 1 – par. 1 (d)) and par E below.


1. Fees and Dues: The Management of finances from all sources of income, as well as all expenses will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee, upon recommendation by the Finance Committee. The amount of such dues will be set annually at a General Membership Meeting before the start of the new financial year on March 1, by resolution of the membership and upon recommendation of the Executive Committee. For the avoidance doubt, the financial year of the Association ends on 28 February each year.
A) The Association’s financial transactions shall be conducted by means of a banking account.

2. Disposition of the Assets of the Organization – No part of the net earnings or assets of the organisation shall inure to the benefit of any private individual.

3. A) Commercial Contracts with Third Parties:

(a) SAAJA will not contract with third parties orally. All contracts to be concluded with third parties must be reduced to writing.

(b) All contracts with third parties, where the value of the contract equals or exceeds R2000 (TWO THOUSAND RAND), must be signed by at least two members of EXCO.

(c) Contracts that are not signed by at least two of the aforesaid office bearers will be void, and shall not be binding on SAAJA.

B) Loans:

(a) SAAJA shall not loan funds to any person or entity save where it is expressly agreed to do so in a meeting by an ordinary majority of members of the EXCO.

(b) In a case where the EXCO resolve to loan funds to any person or entity the terms of such loan shall be recorded in writing and signed by all members of EXCO and the person or entity receiving the loan.

4. The Association may not give any of its money or property to its Members or office bearers. The only time it can do this is when it pays for work that a Member or office bearer has done for the Association. The payment must be a reasonable amount for the work that has been done.


1. Application for membership is open to:

(a) Graduates of the SAAJA Training Programme.
(b) Members of the IAAP.

(c) Admission to membership shall be decided by an affirmative vote by a majority of members. All members will be required to abide by the SAAJA constitution and code of ethics.
(d) Professional members of SAAJA must at all times also be Members of the International Association of Jungian Psychologists (IAAP)

2. Special categories of membership:

(a) Life members:
From the year that any member turns seventy five, or any member who is permanently unable to practise as an analyst due to disability will become a Life member for the duration of that member’s life. The member will no longer be required to pay membership fees to SAAJA. The member will retain all the privileges of membership of SAAJA.
(b) Honorary members:
Any person deemed to have made a significant contribution to analytical psychology and/or to SAAJA may be proposed as an honorary member. The honorary member will not be required to pay any fees to SAAJA and will be entitled to all the privileges of membership except for voting rights and engaging in analysis or supervision of candidates.
(c) Associate members:
Any member of the public who subscribes to SAAJA’s Public Programme can become an associate member of SAAJA and receive a reduced entrance fee to all public programme lectures. 

(d) Associate Professional members:
Any HPCSA registered mental health professional who is a member of an Associate Professional Members Group with whom SAAJA has specific formalised agreements in terms of membership criteria may become an Associate Professional member of SAAJA if they meet the requirements of the agreement in this regard.


Membership in the SAAJA may be terminated:

1. Voluntarily. Any member in good standing may deliver his/her written resignation to the President of the Association.

2. For Non-Payment of Dues. Membership may be terminated for one or more years non-payment of dues four weeks after notification of the member in question by vote of the membership

3. For Cause. The membership of any member of the Association may be terminated on the recommendation of the Ethics and Professional Practices Committee.

Such a members right to a hearing are detailed in the Ethics and Grievance Committee Procedures see Appendix 2.


1(a) General Meetings of the Association shall be held at least every three months in accordance with decisions of the membership or at the request of the Executive Committee. Written notice of meetings shall be sent to all members at least two weeks before the meeting.

1(b) There shall be an AGM to deal with elections of office bearers, major business and financial matters.

1(c) Special General Meetings: any two members are empowered to call a Special General Meeting of the Association at any time.

1(d) Minutes are to be taken and kept at all meetings of the Association.

1 (e) Meetings will be held online unless otherwise stipulated

2. Voting and Quorum for General Issues

2(a) A quorum shall be defined as being constituted by attendance of at least 50% of the members of the Association, which will include proxy votes as described in Art. H(3)(2)(c) below, and shall be required for all binding decisions.

2(b) Unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution, a simple majority vote shall suffice to carry a motion.

2(c) Provision for secret ballot and proxy votes shall be made. Any one member attending a meeting of the association may hold a maximum of two proxy votes for other members.

3. Voting and quorum on Exceptional Issues

Certain issues and motions shall be voted upon when specific conditions have been met.

1. Exceptional issues: These issues include the following and such others as may be added from time to time.

(a) Amendments to the Constitution.
(b) Application for membership to the Association.
(c) Termination of membership.
(d) Criteria for acceptance into the Training Programme.
(e) Dissolving of the Association.
(f) Election of Honorary members to the Association.

2. Procedure for forming a quorum and voting on exceptional issues:

(a) Written notice or the required committee report shall be given to the membership at
least two weeks before the meeting.
(b) Such a motion or recommendation shall require a majority vote of two-thirds of the membership present or represented by proxy at the meeting.


1. The Constitution can be changed by a resolution. The resolution has to be agreed upon and passed by not less than two thirds of the Members who are present or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the special general meeting. Members must vote at this meeting to change the Constitution.

2. At least 50% of the members of the Association shall be present at a meeting (‘the quorum’) before a decision to change the Constitution is taken, which will include proxy votes as described in Art. I(5) below.

3. A written notice must go out not less than two weeks before the meeting at which the changes to the Constitution are going to be proposed. The notice must indicate the proposed changes to the Constitution that will be discussed at the meeting.

4. The proposal to amend the Constitution of the Association shall be signed by three members of the Association.

5. Provision for secret ballot and proxy votes shall be made. Any one member attending a meeting of the Association may hold a maximum of two proxy votes for other members.


1. Any member, officer, or employee of the Association shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Association against any liability incurred in his/her personal capacity in defending legal proceedings arising out of his/her involvement ex officio in the Association, and in which judgement is given in his/her favour or in which he/she is acquitted or granted relief.

2. The Association, its members, or any employee, while serving as consultants, supervisors or teachers in the promotion of the constituted aims and objectives of the Association, are indemnified against any legal action instituted against candidates of the training programme, as well as any action or proceedings against any person participating in any part of the Associations teaching, training, or informal public lectures and seminars or workshops.


1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Constitution, the Association may be dissolved or wound up if not less than two thirds of the Members who are present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the special general meeting vote in favour of the dissolution or winding up of the Association.

2. At least 50% of the members of the Association shall be present at a meeting (‘the quorum’) before a decision is taken, which will include proxy votes as described in Art. K(3) below.

3. Provision for secret ballot and proxy votes shall be made. Any one member attending a meeting of the Association may hold a maximum of two proxy votes for other members.

4. In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Association, its assets after payment of or provision for its liabilities, shall be distributed to an educational or other charitable organisation as the officers of the Association may deem appropriate and consonant with the purpose of the Association.